Outback Strong

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Outback Strong is a campaign built by Lake County for Lake County.

It began in 2017, when the Lake County Local Community Advisory Council (LCAC) recognized the need for a commitment to celebrating and promoting healthy habits and lifestyles in the Oregon Outback. The people who call Lake County home are tough, resilient, and independent. These are great qualities, but they can sometimes mean we opt to tough out a painful situation or choose an option that is not as healthy for us as another might have been.

Outback Strong challenges Lake County to broaden its definition of strength. Choosing vegetables over french fries 9 times out of 10? That’s strong. Taking a hike or going for a walk after work instead of plopping down in front of the TV is also a strong choice. Finding a cause you care about and investing in your community is another great way to live Outback Strong.

That’s why this resource guide exists. We want to help you connect with the resources you need when you need them. There are a lot of services available locally. Think of this site as your one-stop shop for Lake County resources.

The Outback Strong website is full of resources to help you make healthy decisions and make Lake County even stronger and more resilient. Share your ideas with us at admin@outbackstrong.org.